Meet the Members:
We are all human beings. We work together in an elegant way, with a certain joie de vivre. Fosbury & Sons – what’s in a name – is the work of more than one individual. The synergy is within us: some of our Members are also our business partners and vice versa. Now is the time to put a spotlight on our Members! We talk to Charlotte Pycke from MBA. A beloved member of Fosbury & Sons Boitsfort.

About MBA
MBA is a French architectural agency headquartered in Paris. They specialize in healthcare architecture, primarily hospitals, with a team of 30 people, 25 in Paris and 5 in Brussels. The agency is managed by three partners including Charlotte Pycke who manages the Brussels agency. The Brussels team takes care of as many projects that they are developing in France as in Belgium. The MBA agency has been in existence for approximately 30 years, and they have been in Brussels for 3 years (since she joined forces with Michel Beauvais) and moved to Fosbury & Sons two years ago, when the Boitsfort site opened.
Why Fosbury & Sons?
"The choice of the hybrid desk was essential for us. There were only three of us when we moved and we were looking for several things: the flexibility to be able to grow (or reduce the team), a qualitative environment in an exemplary building (essential for us architects), a certain life in the building (it was essential for the small Brussels team not to find themselves at an empty and lifeless office floor), flexibility and ease of day-to-day management (mail, printer, coffee corner, catering, etc.). Everything that allows us to focus on our core business, hospital architecture."
What do you like most about Fosbury & Sons?
"We have been based in Boitsfort for two years now. What I like the most is the location (proximity to public transport, train station and tram, parking available), the beauty of the building, the quality of the interior spaces, the uniformity in the choice of furniture which makes the whole very harmonious."
What is your favorite working spot at Boitsfort?
"Our future suite on the 8th floor, the large working tables to display our plans and the small individual booths to make our phone calls with a little more discretion, because sometimes it is necessary."