
Private offices | €435 / month | Only available in Boitsfort

Boitsfort 7
Do you want to discover this workspace in one of our locations?


Dedicated work spot in a shared closed work space.

You have 24/7 access to Fosbury & Sons. Your working space is a shared suite in a keycard-only access zone. You can choose your permanent spot at one of the island desks and set it up whichever way you like.


Acces to Lobby
Access to Resident Area
24/7 Access
Shared furnished office
Energy consumption, property tax, security and insurance

Local Fosbury Hospitality Team at your service
Access to The Office Group in London
Access to Fosbury & Sons worldwide
Registered office and postal services
Meeting rooms in Resident Area (4h confirmed)
Meeting rooms in Lobby (50% discount)
Print service (black/white)
Use of member kitchen
Member benefits
Weekly office cleaning
Internet connection

Access to free events
Access to digital member platform

Coffee, tea and water
Fresh fruit

Export 1 Boitsfort 30 04 19

Discover our other workspaces


Private offices | Tailor-made pricing


Flexible offices | €325 / month


Flexible offices | €160 / month


Flexible offices | €20 / day

Private work space for your team. 24/7 access to lobby and private work area.

Pick any (standing) desk or shared work table in our private work areas.

You're welcome in our lobby 5 days a week during the daytime. Just find your spot.

Make a reservation for a day, or just walk-in! Available 5 days a week during the daytime.

This Valentine's week (10/02-14/02) - Buy a visitor pass, and bring a +1 with you for free!
Why work alone when you can share the day with someone special?

Private work space for your team. 24/7 access to lobby and private work area.

Pick any (standing) desk or shared work table in our private work areas.

You're welcome in our lobby 5 days a week during the daytime. Just find your spot.

Make a reservation for a day, or just walk-in! Available 5 days a week during the daytime.

This Valentine's week (10/02-14/02) - Buy a visitor pass, and bring a +1 with you for free!
Why work alone when you can share the day with someone special?