Five myths about working from anywhere
Is working from anywhere here to stay? For many among us, working from anywhere sounds like something wonderful. You have the freedom to be here and there, whenever you like. However, you may still have your doubts whether it's too good to be true. Let's confute some of the misconceptions and show how working from anywhere can only benefit individuals, teams and businesses.
Myth n°1: Working From Home workers miss the structure of a 9-to-5 day
Would Working From Home workers lose their focus so much without a 9-to-5 structure holding them in place? Not so much really - even quite the contrary. A flexible schedule can give your employees a productivity boost. Many different studies show that companies saw productivity increase when their employees turned away from the traditional office routine towards something more flexible. Here at F&S, you can dive into your excel sheets in your private closed office or in a focus booth.
Myth n° 2: More team meetings are essential
Nowadays we are not seeing our team members in person every day, because of that a lot of meetings are scheduled to make up for lost face-time. However, unless they are absolutely necessary they can hinder progress. Research show that too many virtual meetings can be distractive and employees can be felt most productive when working for long periodes of uninterrupted time.
Instead, bi-weekly performance meetings or social team building events (now conducted remotely via apps such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams) increased an employee’s sense of belonging to the company and a deeper connection with colleagues.
Here at F&S, you can book one of our meeting rooms and kick-off your meeting session in a unique setting.
Myth n°3: There’s one type of ‘working parent’
Imagine - facing lockdown with a needy toddler at home is very different to doing it with a more self-reliant 17-year-old. A recent report stated that women were 'disproportionately challenged' when it came to juggling childcare and work.
That said, outside of testing lockdown conditions, remote working is shown to ‘flatten the playing field’ and offers more flexibility for parents, especially solo parents, enabling them to deal with any last-minute emergencies or domestic responsibilities without the guilt of leaving the office.
Myth n°4: Working from anywhere is bad for underrepresented groups
At the start of lockdown, some experts cautioned that underrepresented groups, including women, ethnic minorities, and those with disabilities, may go unseen as a result of remote working. However, many statistics show that these employees rated remote working highly – perhaps because having the choice to work from anywhere can create a more welcoming working environment for those who might struggle in an office-based environment.
For employees with disabilities in particular, accessibility can often be an obstacle to work. So, by offering the flexibility of remote working, this can reduce sick leave and means companies have access to a much wider pool of talent.
Myth n°5: managers and executives find it easier to adapt to working from home
Just because someone is in charge doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing – especially in a situation such as today’s, where the working landscape is in flux. People managers, especially middle managers, faced some of the most acute challenges in adapting to remote work. Due to this remote work world, the role of the manager has shifted from gatekeeper to coach and social connector. Organizations need to devote time and resources to providing people managers with new tools to enable them to coach and connect with their teams."

Is Working From Anywhere something for me?
“Work From Anywhere” perfectly encapsulates that freedom and dynamism our schedules deserve.
Many of us will choose to work from home, and many of us will habitually return to the same working environment each day even if it isn’t our home. That’s fine. Flexibility doesn’t mean constantly changing everything up, it means we can change things when we want and need to. “Work From Anywhere” literally means anywhere, including the very office we would normally commute to.
Flexibility means adapting our schedules and our locations for the kinds of knowledge work we are trying to do. Some days are all meetings as we try to coordinate a number of projects. Some days we need to shut out the world and just dive down into writing our novels, or developing a new algorithm, or putting together that big presentation for the meeting next week. Some days we need a mix of both. Some days we need the comfort of home, while other days we need the comfort of colleagues.
What if you could have the best of both worlds? Combining office space and homeworking.