Export 1 Albert 30 04 2


/ˈriːleɪ/ : refers to Relay Racing, an Olympic Discipline that is all about the moment of passing the baton to the next runner.

Relay by Fosbury & Sons refers to the workspace before, during and after COVID-19. Relay is an abrupt change and a quest for a new balance between safety, flexibility, working from home and working at the office. On one side it embodies the measures we take for our clients and on the other sides we encourage all companies to start defining a culture and policy to deal with this new reality, in a sustainable way.

Schermafbeelding 2020 04 24 om 09 20 16

Calculate the price of your private office

How many of your employees really need a permanent workspace on a daily basis? Take a moment to evaluate this in detail, it could result in a financial benefit of 20% to 40%.

An example
Company X of 30 employees can save up to €2700 per month by combining a private office with flexible memberships.

Calculate the price for your company here.

The Relay Program consists of 2 building blocks

Health & Safety Measures

Tailor-made office solutions

Give us a call

We are happy to help you along

Export 1 Harmony 01 05 30
Alfons 68
Fosbury Sons Prinsengracht1825